118 (ASL 7
118 (Italian ambulance telephone number) had to adopt a new data management method during emergency/urgent missions due to new regulations and the so-called "Mattone Project". The applications developed by Digiwrite based upon the Anoto Functionality were included making a “clean” data flow possible, necessary to have an accurate reporting system and correct compensation management.
Our systems can be integrated with Central Operative software of the most important national players (ENGI SANITA', BETA80, BP SISTEMI), just like the most popular First Aid software (e.g. DEDALUS First Aid).
Our experience concerns the whole group of intervention forms: admission forms, doctor’s certificates, nursing records, helicopter rescue, transfer, TSO (compulsory treatment), legal and death certificates.
We were able, thanks to the collaboration with institutions and their third-party suppliers, to totally streamline Module Checker, as far as obtaining what we consider to be one of the most complete and "cleanest" flows in
The inclusion of the Anoto Functionality was well accepted by users as it was not necessary to undergo an intensive training and there was a minimum impact on the modus operandi.
For ASL 10 Florence Digiwrite also created an emergency/urgency management system at "Great Works" sites which included a Nursing Records Form and Checklist.
ADI (ASL 10 Florence, ASL 3 Torino, ASL 3 Foligno, ASL 4 Terni, ASL 3 Lanciano/Vasto, Baxter, Samidad Cooperative Association, Città Solidale, Don Gnocchi Sistemi):
The need for transparency and new boundaries of the ‘Sanità di Iniziativa’ (Health of Initiative) provided a strong impulse towards the management of the House Assistance forms via Digital pen.
Also in this case our experience varies concerning the forms used: from assessment scales to intervention lists to nursing records.
The integrations, as always for Digiwrite, are possible with any software, among which we can mention AsTer of CARIBEL.
This ongoing experience with ASL 10 of Florence is enriching our portfolio with a true and proper feather in the cap: the nursing records form which we have linked to an engine (developed by us) for the automatic compiling of the so-called "Treatment Paths" and for their constant monitoring.
Thanks to this application we can consider ourselves to be avant-garde as far as the ‘Health of Initiative’ is concerned which is becoming more and more important for the whole Health System.
Another form which we developed enables the tracing of prescriptions (and subsequent consignment) of medicine and necessary medical appliances in cases of Integrated Home Assistance.
HC Clinical Record (
Also in this case Digiwrite can boast its ability of creating extremely complex applications via Digital Pen.
Clinical Record was born to guarantee the need of gathering and transmitting clinical records and instrumental data of hospitalization in a simple but structured way. To manage patient admission, treatment and discharge in cooperation with the Emergency Ward, CUP (sole booking office), analysis laboratories and surgeries. Among its functionalities we can especially mention event and data gathering (from PC or from Anoto digital pen & paper), the creation of reports in particular concerning discharge letters, nursing records, the clinical diary, statistic and scientific reports and visits. The system can be personalized according to the ward, for case history (both for paper and electronic), objective clinical examinations (both for paper and electronic) and instrumental and ematochemical exams. Anoto paper forms are at present available for Case History, Objective clinical examination, Clinical diaries, External visits, therapy chart (administering medicine – being issued), Graphic (vital parameter monitoring – being developed). The Clinical Record system is in accordance with HL7, ICD9-CM and DICOM standards (undergoing).
Other application created:
For hospital treatment
A serious problem, especially in the field of Quality and Risk Management, is the tracking of hospital treatment, both during and after the hospital stay, or between one stay and another. In fact, sometimes – if the procedures do not foresee a tracking of the results of these visits – it is difficult and extremely wasteful in terms of time and resources to reconstruct the complete patient’s case history.
With the application under development, the doctor can keep track of the result of the visit, of any medicine prescribed by simply filling-in the appropriate form using the Digital Pen. The paper forms can be given to the patient insofar as what has been written will have been memorized, together with various tags enabling easy consultation whenever required.
Ascertain degree of invalidity
“First Instance Commission” and “Admission Committee, Art. 4 L-104/92”.
Assistance management at Rest Homes
Emergency Ward Checklist
Operating Theatre Checklist