To become a Digiwrite Partner means joining in the spirit of research and innovation, that is peculiar of our work. Creating a partnership simply to develop an application is not advantageous: however you can contact us and we will satisfy your request in a correct supplier/customer optic. To become a Digiwrite partner means dedicating commercial resources and, optionally, technical ones in order to gain an insight into the specific fields of "Digital Pen & Paper". It means “investing” time, passion and effort. If you have the will and possibility of doing so, you are ready to be our partner.
Obviously BUSINESS partners will have different needs to those of the SOLUTION partners, but the advantage deriving from the possibility of using truly operative applications will become immediately clear as an explicative tool, as well as the great cost reduction in Research & Development, Testing and application implementation requested by one’s own customers. The concept is simple: wherever there is a motorway, it is useful to build another road going in the same direction.
To join the Digiwrite Partner Program you must first contact the head of the Partner Program and Executive Director of Digiwrite, Mr Sergio Laliscia. He can easily be contacted by emailing sergio.laliscia@digiwrite.it or by telephone at 074461221.
To download a summary of Digiwrite Partner Program documentation (Italian language, please contact sergio.laliscia@digiwrite.it for further information): new.digiwrite.it/sites/default/files/fck_files/DWPPgen_2012-Documento%20Sintesi.pdf