Contracts (Olivetti, Telecom Italia, Telematica Italia, ING Direct, Mediolanum, La Vigilanza, Toyota, IFIL):
To have contracts compiled in real time at the company back-office enables the speeding-up of verification, insertion and management procedures , thus drastically reducing invoicing times.
The Digital Pen represents an efficient and "painless" way of process automation and the agent no longer has to insert data in his/her pc or send it by fax.
Moreover, from the management point of view, the introduction of the Anoto Functionality makes it possible to obtain total agent transparency, committing them to send data in real time (using a compatible mobile terminal) and also of registering the GPS coordinates where the data is sent from and guarantee the possibility of attaching photographs of the contractor’s documents to transactions.
Digiwrite applications can be integrated with any management software and guarantee reliability and flexibility that make the solution desirable to companies of any dimension.
The possibilities of using Digiwrite web applications in ASP modality minimize management costs and do not weigh down the Customer’s IT.
Order and Returns Management (Interpan, AEB, Bagnolook, Giunti, Mondialcasa, Bausch e Lomb, Stannah, Nobili Rubinetterie, Gi.Ma. Mangimi, Magneti Marelli, Lazzeri, Schalcon):
before the inclusion of the Anoto Functionality it was always necessary to insert data manually with a consequent increase in errors and delays in order management.
Creating forms as identical as possible to those used by the Digiwrite Customer the necessity of training and organizational impact is minimized.
The Agents compile orders at their respective customers using the Digital Pen and obtain the Customer’s signature and most of the time the orders are sent immediately by Bluetooth mobile linked to the Digital Pen.
In less than 20 seconds the Order arrives at the company and can be processed straight away, as our application is able to recognize codes and ticks in various checkboxes, transforming them into universal computer files (xml).
The sales situation can therefore be updated in real time, without having to give Agents expensive (and not very handy) apparatus, without the need of specific training and anyhow maintaining – as a reference document – the paper form with the Customer’s signature.
Several customers with special requirements allowed us to gain a significant experience also in returns management and various daily order modifications, guaranteeing immediate feed-back and matching products to the demand in real time.
Other applications created:
Financing requests